Monday, March 13, 2006


I am in my house now.All credits goes to my micro companions.The typhoid virus.a few guys from the second and third years got too friendly with these little creatures and as a result had to be hospitalised.

And as usual , the guys simply blew it out of proportion to an epidemic level. The added point was that since they were having their mid-sem exams a lot of guys will miss them and this might be a black mark on their marksheets.

But the main aim of these guys were to get holidays and go to their houses.So one fine night the guys gathered outside of their hostels and marched to the directors room.

The director was caught unaware by such a big crowd. And now they demanded the exams be postponed and that holidays be declared for a period of two weeks so as to enable the students to recover from their illness(the true reason being to go to their houses).

The director can logically not refuse.

The first reason :: what if the students got ugly. It was quite a possibility considering the previous instances of similar situations.

the second reason :: if he refuses and if the students take it to higher power , he will come into fire for the poor sanitary conditions in the college.

And that's how we got the holidays.

Now I am in my house happily typing away this post.

Thank you all. Viruses and my juniors alike.

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